haku copy paste jerkk nih...
01. You MALAY call each other 'BODOH' for fun, and too 'BODOH' to realize it's an offensive word.
02. You're the LAZIEST person on God's earth.
03. Always update with "lagu-lagu A-minor", "lagu-lagu rindu" and "wayang hindustani".
04. Always give a very long honourable speech start from Duli Yang Maha Mulia,Tan Sri, Puan Sri, YB-YB, Yang Berbahagia Datuk, Datuk-Datuk, Datin-Datin, Tuan Haji, Tuan Pengerusi Majlis.. and last sometime least...."rakyat jelata" sekalian......."terlebih dahulu saya ingin membuka majlis dengan asalamualaikuwaramatulahiwabarakatu......"
05. Many Malay ended at "pusat pemulihan dadah" for common drug abuse.
06. "Air sirap" is the cheapest drink you can afford.
07. You like to tease and act perverted when someone with sexual appeal passing by.
08. You self proclaimed from a superior race (Arabs).
09. You love to eat, especially FREE FOOD.
10. Malay favourite quote = REZEKI JANGAN DI TOLAK.
11. Malay least favourite word = JANJI MELAYU.
12. Your girls got a mouthfull of chicken's ass (loudmouths).
13. You can't stand it and always keep on staring at someone who are better dressing / looking rather than your back- dated looks.
14. You wear your shirt more than 4 times before wash it.
15. You feel it's not right to eat first before everybody gets their meal (while your meal is getting cold).
16. You got that annoying habit of wanting people to acknowledge you.
17. You know for the fact that you are supersticious (bomohs and dukuns).
18. You know for the fact that Malay jokes are decently lame and you always force yourself to laugh when other malay joker telling their lame jokes.
19. You always try to take advantage on other people work.
20. You are trained to be a sweet talker.
21. You love to offer drinks to your boss while polishing his shoe.
22. You always pick on juniors.
23. You don't care if everyone in your class/office know for the fact that you are lazy.
24. You are very protective on your seniority.
25. You are quite a slow thinker.
26. You prefer to borrow people's stuff rather than buy it, but hardly return it back.
27. You also always use other's property without asking permission.
28. Many of you are not sincere when making friend with non-malays.
29. You always waste your time in the public phone talking about "janji-janji manis", "omong- omong kosong", "aku hidup dalam blues", "Hindi superstar" and "cinta-sayang". (these are direct quotes...)
30. Malay most popular ambition... * to the public = "ingin menjadi seorang insan yang berguna" * in reality = factory worker
31. Gossip are number 1 favourite past time.
32. Malay favourite magazine are URTV, Mangga, Jelita, Remaja and Variasari.(some x baca la wey magazine ubat nyamuk nih)
33. Mark as "bangsa pendengki" by other race in Malaysia.
34. When someone giving a speech, a Malay usually will nod their head (kepala terangguk-angguk) not to show that they understand, but just simply to act that they understand in a serious manner.
35. Deep in the eyes of Malay, the meaning of "TERSIPU-SIPU BAHASA" and "MALU-MALU KUCING" are..... * GREAT APPETITE WITH A VENGEANCE.
36. Malay got less friend from other races because... * Malay are too proud of their own language which makes them stuck-up * Malay also ignore that other etnic groups and foreign people are willing to learn to speak in Malay while got other knowledge in other language. (so now you know why this email is written in ENGLISH)
37. In Malaysia, people said "wear condom and don't forget to take a bath with Dettol if you make love to a Malay".
38. An example of a Malay with good grades = STRAIGHT C-MINUS
39. A Malay boss are known as intimidating his staff, Sexual harrasing & Blackmailing, Welcome more family member and friends to
join the company, Corruption * Always bring company's item home for personel use.
40. Malay, as the biggest population in Malaysia, are always feels threaten with the minority Christian in the country.
41. Malay chicks always dream to have sex with White Man but always ended get f*ck by their own species. (Im sorry if this offended you, but it was a promise)
42. Most babies found in the bushes and dustbin are Malay.
43. Most adultery/incest cases are by Malay.
44. Most divorce cases are by Malay couple.
45. Most yuppie wannabes are Malay.
46. Malay man got the habit using sink/wash hand area to rinse and wash their penis mostly in their bathroom, hostel and also in the public toilet.
47. Malay love to make fun at people who use toilet paper to wipe ass because they love to touch their sh*t with their hand.(kitaorg x gune tgn jer, air turut digunakan.. daripada korang[cina] lap gune toilet paper, kuman kuman still ade[yux])
48. Malay knows that other races could not dare to eat malay food not because of the spices but because the food was process by their ass-wiping-hand.
49. Malay use toilet paper in Malay restaurant / food court / warung to wipe customer's mouth and hand.
50. A typical malay Ready-to-wear..... * a long, torn jeans, * a T-shirt * a pair of loafers
51. Malays can't live without rice and chilli. (at least rice n chilli BERSIH daripada PORKS)
52. A malay who check in a foreign hotel will cook their food inside the hotel room with water boiler and a portable mini cooker to save cost.(so what?)
52. Malay knows their favourite fast food...... KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN hot and spicy.
53. Malay will eat fried chicken and burger just like in the manner of eating rice with hand "one hand lean on the table, slouching head to the plate and other hand with finger close to each other to enter mouth".
54. Malay toilet always smells like "petai".(at least bau bau-an je, daripada cinenyer toilet, TOILET PAPER tinggal dlm TOILET BOWL[bagi sumbat jer])
55. Malay love to remind people to have their morning shower but they themself always ended up having a BO in the afternoon. (BO=body-odour)
56. Backstabbing are malay greatest asset.
57. Cheating in examination or test are heredity.
58. Malay favourite brand are G.A Blue Jeans, Lady-like Jeans, a fake Ray-ban.(so wat?,x de masalah pon.)
59. Upper class Malay favourite brand are the cheapest Versace t-shirt, Malboro Classic sometimes fake sometimes not jeans, an old fashion (erik estrada CHIPS) Ray-Ban glasses and a discount sales Mark and Spencer.
60. Weekend are racing paradise for "Mat Motor". (elleh ckp je melayu, korang 2 cina.. weekend buat apa? MABOK! pas2 pegi drive, bawak lelong lelong, bagi accident je!)
61. Malay never learn to accept people's opinion as a guide or challenge.(ckp org,korang pon sama je)
62. You feel that you had to support Moslem terrorist just because their are Islam and not because their are a serial killers.
64. The only musical instrument you can play is a GITAR KAPOK.
65. You Malay will pretend to ignore and deny that you are typical.
66. You MALAYS dreaming to become rich, but not by hard working or studying BUT with ALL KINDS OF SKIM CEPAT KAYA and STUPID MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING BUSINESS.
67. Dont have money but always want to action - buying cars like Waja, Wira and other expensive cars while you know you can only afford a KAPCAI.
68. Parents very rich but still go overseas using govenment scholarship. Go overseas to enjoy and not to study.(biar la die dah pandai)
69. You will start to wondering about yourself after reading this.grammar salah dowh org ni type.its "You will start to WONDER .."not wondering la..
~Sains dan Teknologi boleh dipelajari di mana-mana,budaya tetap hak kita.
P/S : Forwardlah email ini pada bangsa Melayu yang lain untuk kesedaran !! Panas hati baca dis e-mail nih.. But.... kena terima dengan terbuka ler. Ada yang betol... ada yg xmsuk akal.kan?. Kalau tak nak bangsa lain hina, pandang rendah kat kita,ketwakan kita lagi.... sama-samalah we all improve. But i'm still proud of being malay. Takpe juz dont gv up wit other bangsa.
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